Master of Science in International Health Research Ethics
During the last two decades, the world and especially the developing countries have witnessed an increasing amount of biomedical research including clinical trials. Most of the research is designed in the developed world but implemented in the developing countries. The majority of the developing countries where the research is being conducted have a limited capacity in the area of research ethics and bioethics. This degree program aims at building capacity in the area of international research ethics. This capacity will assure ethical and a scientific review of research protocols developed by local and international scientists. The graduates of this program will serve as research ethicists on Ethical Review Committees (ERC) and Institutional Review Boards (IRBs). They will also have the requisite knowledge, skills and attitudes to serve as research and/or Clinical Trial managers. In addition, they will also be able to design and conduct scientifically and ethically sound research.
The Master of Science degree in International Research Ethics will therefore fill in a gap that is currently not being addressed adequately nationally and internationally. This programme is in line with Moi University vision and mission and the School of Medicine to produce graduates with practical and intellectual skills appropriates to the needs of present and future Kenyan society.
Specifically, at the end of the programme the graduate should be able to:
- Conduct training in International Research Ethics
- Design, conduct and disseminate research findings
- Review research proposals
- Apply laws and regulation governing research.
- Develop guidelines and procedures to govern conduct of research in institutions
- Participate in ethical community engagement in research.
- Provide leadership in research and ethics and serve as role models.